題名(論文名) | 著者 | 掲載雑誌 |
前立腺肥大症に伴う下部尿路症状(LUTS)に対するテストステロン補充療法の効果 | 重原一慶、溝上敦 | Prostate journal 2019; 6(1): 118-124. |
男性における尿検体を用いたHuman Papillomavirus検査の意義 | 重原一慶、中川朋美、坂本次郎、中嶋一史、八重樫洋、川口昌平、中嶋孝夫、島村正喜、北村唯一、溝上敦 |
日性感染症会誌 2019: 30; 15-20. |
スニチニブが奏効したベリニ管癌の1例 | 内藤 伶奈人, 泉 浩二, 角野 佳史, 小中 弘之, 溝上 敦 |
泌尿器外科 2019; 32(3): 297-300. |
【神経内分泌腫瘍の薬物療法】 泌尿器科系神経内分泌腫瘍に対する薬物療法 | 岩本 大旭, 泉 浩二, 溝上 敦 |
腫瘍内科2019: 23(3): 230-237. |
【泌尿器科癌 争論!クロスファイア2019】 転移性前立腺癌に対する一次治療 ホルモン療法 | 溝上 敦 |
泌尿器外科2019; 32(2):119-124. |
サイトカイン療法によって11年間の長期生存が得られた転移性腎細胞癌の1例 |
加藤佑樹、重原一慶、八重樫洋、飯島将司、川口昌平、野原隆弘、泉浩二、角野佳史、溝上敦 |
泌尿器外科2019; 32(10): 1319-1322. |
前立腺がんの自然史と治療史の新展開 前立腺がん検診における電撃がんの推定発生率 |
北川育秀、溝上敦 |
日本腎泌尿器疾患予防医学研究会誌 2019; 26: 54-56. |
コーヒージテルペンであるkahweol acetateとcafestolの前立腺癌に対する抗癌作用
岩本 大旭、泉 浩二,、ナサッグドルジ・アリウンボルト 、内藤 伶奈人,、牧野 友幸,、門本 卓、平塚 薫、重原 一慶、角野 佳史、溝上 敦、成本 一隆、斎藤 洋平、後藤 享子[中川] |
西日本泌尿器科 2019; 81: 364-371. |
卵巣表層上皮型精巣腫瘍の1例 |
神島 泰樹、泉 浩二、中野 泰斗、岩本 大旭、飯島 将司、溝上 敦、瀬戸 親 |
泌尿器外科2019; 32: 885-888. |
筋力低下を伴うLOH症候群患者に対するテストステロン補充療法の効果 テストステロンの補充療法はサルコペニアを予防できるか? |
加藤 佑樹, 重原 一慶, 飯島将司, 中嶋 一史, 泉 浩二, 角野 佳史, 溝上 敦, 小中 弘之, 並木 幹夫 |
日本性機能学会雑誌2019; 34: 3-8. |
中部尿道スリング手術の過活動膀胱に対する影響についての検討 |
中川 朋美, 川口 昌平, 八重樫 洋, 中嶋 一史, 飯島 将司, 野原 隆弘, 重原 一慶, 泉 浩二, 角野 佳史, 溝上 敦 |
日本女性骨盤底医学会誌2019; 16(1): 90-95. |
ロボット支援根治的前立腺全摘術における神経温存別の経時的下部尿路機能評価 |
内藤 伶奈人, 角野 佳史, 八重樫 洋, 中嶋 一史, 飯島 将司, 川口 昌平, 重原 一慶, 野原 隆弘, 泉 浩二, 溝上 敦 |
泌尿器外科2019; 32(8): 1061-1064. |
【高リスク前立腺癌の治療戦略】ホルモン療法 |
岩本 大旭, 泉 浩二, 溝上 敦 |
Prostate Journal 2019; 6(2): 205-210. |
【M0CRPC Update】ヴィンテージ薬剤の位置付け
岩本 大旭, 泉 浩二, 溝上 敦 |
泌尿器外科2019; 32(11): 1353-1359.
題名(論文名) | 著者 | 掲載雑誌 |
Prognosis of patients with prostate cancer and middle range prostate – specific antigen levels of 20 – 100 ng / mL. |
Iwamoto H, Izumi K, Kadono Y, Mizokami A. | Int Braz J Urol. 2019; 45(1):61-67. |
Effectiveness of Synthetic Polymer-coated Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter in Patients With Advanced Cancer. |
Takezawa Y, Izumi K, Kamijima T, Machioka K, Shima T, Iwamoto H, Nohara T, Shigehara K, Kadono Y, Seto C, Mizokami A. | In Vivo. 2019; 33(3):877-880. |
Etiological role of human papillomavirus infection in the development of penile cancer. |
Sakamoto J, Shigehara K, Nakashima K, Kawaguchi S, Nakashima T, Shimamura M, Yasuda M, Kato T, Hasegawa T, Kobori Y, Okada H, Deguchi T, Izumi K, Kadono Y, Mizokami A. | Int J Infect Dis.
Effect of testosterone replacement therapy on sexual function and glycemic control among hypogonadal men with type 2 diabetes mellitus. |
Shigehara K, Konaka H, Kato Y, Iijima M, Nakashima K, Kawaguchi S, Nohara T, Izumi K, Namiki M, Mizokami A. |
Int J Impot Res. 2019; 31(1):25-30. |
The Five-Year Effects of Testosterone Replacement Therapy on Lipid Profile and Glucose Tolerance among Hypogonadal Men in Japan: A Case Control Study |
Kato Y,Shigehara K, Nakashima K, Iijima M,Kawagushi S, Nohara T, Izumi K, Kadono Y, Konaka H, Namiki M, Mizokami A. |
Aging male. 2019
Coffee diterpenes kahweol acetate and cafestol synergistically inhibit the proliferation and migration of prostate cancer cells. |
Iwamoto H, Izumi K, Natsagdorj A, Naito R, Makino T, Kadomoto S, Hiratsuka K, Shigehara K, Kadono Y, Narimoto K, Saito Y, Nakagawa-Goto K, Mizokami A. |
High Serum CA19-9 Concentration Indicates High Chemosensitivity and Better Survival in Advanced Urothelial Carcinoma. |
Yaegashi H, Izumi K, Kadomoto S, Naito R, Makino T, Iwamoto H, Nohara T, Shigehara K, Kadono Y, Mizokami A. |
Efficacy of combined prophylactic use of levofloxacin and isepamicin for transrectal prostate needle biopsy: A retrospective single-center study. |
Nakagawa R, Shigehara K, Aoyama S, Urata S, Ofude M, Miyagi T, Nakashima T, Izumi K, Mizokami A. |
J Infect Chemother. 2019; 25(5):337-340. |
Health-related Quality of Life and Toxicity After Single-fraction High-dose-rate Brachytherapy With External Beam Radiotherapy for Localized and Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer. |
Makino T, Nakashima K, Iijima M, Kawaguchi S, Nohara T, Shigehara K, Izumi K, Kadono Y, Kumano T, Mizokami A. |
Evaluating urinary incontinence before and after radical prostatectomy using the international consultation on incontinence questionnaire-short form. |
Machioka K, Kadono Y, Naito R, Nakashima K, Iijima M, Kawaguchi S, Shigehara K, Nohara T, Izumi K, Mizokami A. |
Neurourol Urodyn. 2019; 38(2):726-733. |
Novel Prevention Procedure for Inguinal Hernia after Robot-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy: Results from a Prospective Randomized Trial. |
Kadono Y, Nohara T, Kawaguchi S, Sakamoto J, Iwamoto H, Yaegashi H, Nakashima K, Iijima M, Shigehara K, Izumi K, Mizokami A. |
J Endourol. 2019; 33(4):302-308. |
Suprapubic cystostomy during renal transplantation in a patient with a urethral stricture after hypospadias surgery: A case report |
Kawaguchi S, Kadono Y, Nohara T, Kato Y, Naito R, Urata S, Nakashima K, Shigehara K, Mizokami A. |
IJU Case Reports 2019; 2(2):77-79. |
Gemcitabine Plus Cisplatin Split Versus Gemcitabine Plus Carboplatin for Advanced Urothelial Cancer With Cisplatin-unfit Renal Function. |
Izumi K, Iwamoto H, Yaegashi H, Shigehara K, Nohara T, Kadono Y, Mizokami A. |
In Vivo. 2019; 33(1):167-172. |
Editorial Comment to Treatment patterns and outcomes in patients with unresectable or metastatic renal cell carcinoma in Japan. | Izumi K. | Int J Urol. 2019; 26(2):210-211. |
Suppressive Role of Androgen/Androgen Receptor Signaling via Chemokines on Prostate Cancer Cells. |
Izumi K, Mizokami A. |
J Clin Med. 2019 ; 8(3). |
Palonosetron on Days 1 and 5 Versus Granisetron Daily (Days 1-5) in Germ Cell Tumour Therapy. |
Shimura Y, Izumi K, Itai S, Iwamoto H, Yaegashi H, Suga Y, Shimada T, Mizokami A, Sai Y. |
In Vivo. 2019; 33(2):643-647. |
Initial Experience With Radium-223 Chloride Treatment at the Kanazawa University Hospital. |
Nakashima K, Makino T, Kadomoto S, Iwamoto H, Yaegashi H, Iijima M, Kawaguchi S, Nohara T, Shigehara K, Izumi K, Kadono Y, Matsuo S, Mizokami A. |
Anticancer Res 2019; 39(5):2607-2614. |
Quantification of Bone Metastasis of Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer After Enzalutamide and Abiraterone Acetate Using Bone Scan Index on Bone Scintigraphy. |
Kadomoto S, Yaegashi H, Nakashima K, Iijima M, Kawaguchi S, Nohara T, Shigehara K, Izumi K, Kadono Y, Nakajima K, Mizokami A. |
Anticancer Res 2019; 39(5):2553-2559. |
Metastatic urachal cancer treated effectively with gemcitabine/cisplatin combination chemotherapy and radiotherapy: A case report. |
Yaegashi H, Kadomoto S, Naito R, Makino T, Iwamoto H, Nohara T, Shigehara K, Izumi K, Kadono Y, Mizokami A. |
Mol Clin Oncol. 2019; 11: 139-142. |
Efficacy and safety of cytokines versus first-line sunitinib and second-line axitinib for patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (ESCAPE study): A study protocol for phase III randomized sequential open-label study. |
Kadono Y, Konaka H, Izumi K, Anai S, Fujimoto K, Ishibashi K, Kawai N, Kato T, Iba A, Masumori N, Yoshimura K, Mizokami A. |
Contemp Clin Trials Commun. 2019;15:100403. |
A novel scoring system to predict the risk for disseminated intravascular coagulation in obstructive pyelonephritis complicated with upper urinary tract calculi. |
Iwamoto H, Shigehara K, Kawaguchi S, Izumi K, Kadono Y, Miyagi T, Nakashima T, Mizokami A. |
J Infect Dis Ther 2019; 7(4). |
Considering bone health in the treatment of prostate cancer bone metastasis based on the results of the ERA-223 trial. |
Mizokami A, Kimura G, Fujii Y, Hinotsu S, Izumi K. |
Int J Clin Oncol. 2019; 24(12):1629-1631. |
Intraoperative hypotension caused by oral administration of 5-aminolevulinic acid for photodynamic diagnosis in patients with bladder cancer. |
Nohara T, Kato Y, Nakano T, Nakagawa T, Iwamoto H, Yaegashi H, Nakashima K, Iijima M, Kawaguchi S, Shigehara K, Izumi K, Kadono Y, Mizokami A. |
Int J Urol. 2019;26(11):1064- |
Phase I trial of TAK-385 in hormone treatment-naïve Japanese patients with nonmetastatic prostate cancer. |
Suzuki H, Uemura H, Mizokami A, Hayashi N, Miyoshi Y, Nagamori S, Enomoto Y, Akaza H, Asato T, Kitagawa T, Suzuki K. |
Cancer Med. 2019; 8(13):5891-5902. |
Factors Associated With Treatment Satisfaction After Robot-assisted Radical Prostatectomy. |
Nakagawa T, Kadono Y, Naito R, Iwamoto H, Yaegashi H, Iijima M, Kawaguchi S, Nohara T, Shigehara K, Izumi K, Mizokami A. |
Anticancer Res. 2019; 39(11):6339-6346. |
Tumor-Associated Macrophages Induce Migration of Renal Cell Carcinoma Cells via Activation of the CCL20-CCR6 Axis. |
Kadomoto S, Izumi K, Hiratsuka K, Nakano T, Naito R, Makino T, Iwamoto H, Yaegashi H, Shigehara K, Kadono Y, Nakata H, Saito Y, Nakagawa-Goto K, Mizokami A. |
Cancers (Basel). 2019;12(1).
An important step in establishing a treatment strategy for small renal masses of clear cell renal cell carcinoma based on the significance of adverse histopathologic features on tumor needle biopsy. |
Kadomoto S, Makino T, Izumi K, Mizokami A. |
Ann Transl Med. 2019;7(Suppl 8):S374. |
A case of mesh erosion in the ureter eight years after a tension-free vaginal mesh surgery |
Nakagawa T, Kawaguchi S, Mizokami A. |
Int Urogynecol J. 2019 ;30(12):2199-2200. |
Suprapubic cystostomy during renal transplantation in a patient with a urethral stricture after hypospadias surgery: A case report. |
Kawaguchi S, Kadono Y, Nohara T, Kato Y, Naito R, Urata S, Nakashima K, Shigehara K, Mizokami A. |
IJU Case Reports 2019; 2(2):77-79. |
Editorial Comment to Angiographic management of percutaneous renal procedure-related bleeding: A single-center experience. |
Kadono Y. |
Int J Urol. 2019; 26(3):413. |